Podonos joins NVidia Inception program

NVidia Inception Podonos

Today we are thrilled to announce that we has joined NVidia Inception program. This is an exciting moment that we are connected with a large group of our AI practitioners and enterprises. This partnership also enable us to get support from NVidia for further innovation on AI model development, Go-To Market, and investor connections.

“Joining NVidia Inception will help us move significantly faster toward our product milestones, give us the support to accelerate customer outreach” said. – Soohyun Bae, Founder of Podonos.

Podonos focuses on uncovering the AI model performances for AI practitioners and enterprises. We observe a huge innovation in generative AI, the biggest problem is that the AI model performance in the wild is unknown, the existing benchmarks are not aligned with many practical use cases.

Podonos service solves the unknown AI performance problem and provides a detailed insight on how to further fine-tune AI models and approach the target customers. With NVidia hardware, deep learning institute credits, and technology assistance, we will scale up our product development and customer outreach speed.